India’s star all-rounder Hardik Pandya put an emotional post for his son Agastya on the latter’s birthday on July 30, 2024. Hardik shared his adorable moments with Agastya, who is currenly with his estranged wife Natasa Stankovic. “You keep me going every single day! Happy birthday to my partner in crime, my whole heart, my Agu. Love you beyond words,” wrote Hardik on Instagram. It is worth noting that Hardik and Natasha earlier this month in a joint statement annonuced that they parted ways.
“Father’s feel button,” wrote a fan. “Only Hardik can understand the pain of being away from son,” wrote another fan. “Happy birthday Agu baby” was also among comments.
For the last few months there were rumours that the celebrity couple Hardik-Natasa were headed for separation, and with the announcement on July 18, they officially confirmed the development.
Hardik Pandya recently played a crucial role in India winning the 2024 T20 World Cup before making himself available for the ongoing three-match T20I series against Sri Lanka. He is not included in India squad for the following three-match ODI series in the island nation.
Hardik’s estraged wife Natasa, who hails from Serbia, has worked in movies. She got engaged with the cricket star in January, 2020 and the duo has a four-year son Agastya.
Recently, Natasa flew to Serbia with the couple’s son Agastya. The actor-cum-model had posted images of her Serbian sojourn. Pandya reacted on the post with a series of emojis. That gesture was well appreciated by social media users.
In a joint Instagram post on July 19, Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic wrote: “After 4 years of being together, Natasa and I have decided to mutually part ways. We tried our best together and gave it our all, and we believe that this is in the best interest for the both of us. This was a tough decision for us to make, given the joy, mutual respect and companionship we enjoyed together and as we grew a family.
“We are blessed with Agastya, who will continue to be at the centre of both our lives and we will co-parent to ensure that we give him everything that we can for his happiness. We sincerely request your support and understanding to give us the privacy during this difficult and sensitive time. Hardik/Natasa.”