The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has decided to release the trio of Sarfaraz Khan, Dhruv Jurel and Yash Dayal from the Indian cricket team squad for the ongoing second Test match against Bangladesh in Kanpur. “Sarfaraz Khan, Dhruv Jurel and Yash Dayal have been released from India’s Test squad to participate in the #IraniCup, scheduled to commence tomorrow in Lucknow,” the official release read. The decision was taken in order to allow the cricketers to take part in the Irani Cup which will be beginning in Lucknow on Tuesday. While Sarfaraz will be a part of the Mumbai team, Jurel and Dayal were added to the Rest of India squad.
Update: Sarfaraz Khan, Dhruv Jurel and Yash Dayal have been released from India’s Test squad to participate in the #IraniCup, scheduled to commence tomorrow in Lucknow.
— BCCI (@BCCI) September 30, 2024
Earlier, the BCCI made it clear that the trio will be released from the match squad if they are not included in the playing XI and they will instead take part in the Irani Cup.
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