Star India midfielder Hardik Singh was on Sunday named captain of the UP Rudras for the upcoming season of Hockey India League (HIL). The Lucknow franchise, owned by Yadu Sports, have assembled a strong squad that also features young sensation Priyobarta Talem, Gurjot Singh along with some of the stalwarts of India and international hockey, including Lalit Kumar Upadhyay, Simranjeet Singh, Lars Balk, and Kane Russel. “A true leader on and off the pitch, on behalf of the entire Yadu Sports family, I would like to congratulate Hardik on being announced as the team captain. I had a chance to meet Paul, Thomas, and Cedric at the auctions,” said Mr. Madhavkrishna Singhania, Co-Founder, Yadu Sports.
“I believe that the squad we have assembled is full of leaders, and they have all it takes to play mesmerizing hockey and win the people’s hearts,” the owner added.
UP Rudras head coach Paul Van Ass added: “Hardik was our first pick at the auctions and we were sure of him leading the side. Having seen him consistently do well for India and being a part of the Indian team that won two back-to-back Olympic bronze medals is no small feat.
“We are sure that with his ability to understand the nuances and intricacies of the game, he will not only lead the team well but will also bring the best out of those around him.” Hardik expressed his excitement and gratitude towards his new role.
“I am extremely grateful to our management staff for giving me this opportunity. It will be nothing less than a pleasure to lead UP Rudras in this season of the Hockey India League,” he said.
“Representing and captaining a team based out of the legendary Dhyanchand Ji’s hometown is everything a player can ask for. We have a fantastic squad with strength across every department, and, more importantly.”
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)