The face-off between India’s Virat Kohli and Australia’s Sam Konstas at Melbourne Cricket Ground became the talking point during the fourth Test. Kohli was involved in a shoulder-barge with the Australian teenager, who made his debut in the just-concluded Boxing Day Test at MCG. For the action, the India veteran even received a 20 percent match fee penalty and one demerit point from the International Cricket Council. The Australian media houses were clearly unhappy over ICC’s decision as they felt that Kohli “got off lightly”.
Backing the apex cricket council’s decision, former India cricketer Sunil Gavaskar lashed out at the Australian media and cited an example from the past to back his opinions.
“The match referee, Andy Pycroft, who was officiating in his 100th Test match, had earlier in the year also levied a penalty for a similar offence on (Ireland’s) Josh Little. The maximum allowed under the offence is what Kohli got, so for the Aussie media to insinuate that he got off lightly is again a whole load of codswallop,” Gavaskar wrote in his column for Sportstar.
“While the players and administrators in Australia have understood that times have changed and the veto power that England and Australia had is history, the media has still not come to terms with the fact that they no longer can influence World cricket. Hopefully, they will wake up and smell the coffee soon,” he added.
Talking about the India vs Australia fourth Test at MCG, the hosts went on to win the game by 184 runs in the thrilling final session of the final day. India’s pacer Jasprit Bumrah and all-rounder Nitish Reddy shone with their performances but the side lost the game to go 1-2 down in the five-match series. The fifth Test will be played at the Sydney Cricket Ground, starting January 3.