Veteran cricketer Ravichandran Ashwin had an awkward interaction with a fake account of Ritika Sajdeh, wife of Indian team captain Rohit Sharma. However, after realising that the account was fake, Ashwin was quick to delete his post on social media platform X. As India lost the Sydney Test to Australia and conceded the series 1-3, a user on X named @Nishitha018 replied to one of Ashwin’s post on the micro-blogging platform. Since the user had Ritika’s name and photo on her profile, Ashwin dropped a reply on her comment, unaware that it was a fake account.
‘Australia thought they can clean sweep us,” the user commented.
Since Ashwin was not aware that it wasn’t Ritika’s official handle, he asked her: “Hi Ritika, how are you? Regards to the little one and family.”
“I’m good Ashwin anna,” the user replied, which prompted Ashwin to delete his message.
See the conversation here:
Meanwhile, Rohit and Ritika welcomed their second child in November, a baby boy named ‘Ahaan’.
Rohit had missed the series-opener against Australia in Perth as the match was clashing with the expected date of his son’s birth.
After India won the match without him, Rohit returned to the team for the second Test.
However, Rohit decided to “opt out” of the series-decider in Sydney, owing to poor form.
India lost the match by 6 wickets, losing the series 1-3.
Reports have been circulating that Rohit is no longer in the scheme of things, as far as the Test team is concerned.
However, Rohit insisted that he was not going anywhere and the decision to sit out in Sydney was a tactical one.
Ashwin, on the other hand, returned to India after the second Test in Melbourne, having announced his retirement from international cricket mid-series.
Ashwin will now be seen in action during the IPL in late March.