Sunil Gavaskar took a brutal dig at the coaching staff after India slumped to a 3-1 loss in the recently-concluded five-match Test series against Australia. India’s World Test Championship (WTC) Final dreams were completely dashed following their loss in the Sydney Test on Sunday. Following the loss, Gavaskar questioned the role of the Gautam Gambhir-led coaching staff and said whether they are doing enough to help the players. The legendary India batter mentioned the batting show against New Zealand and Australia before asking whether India should continue with the same back-room staff in the future.
“What is your coaching staff doing? We need to talk about the batting coach. Look at the Test matches against New Zealand. We were all out for very less. We lost all matches and there was no strength in our batting. Even in Australia, there was no strength in our batting. So questions should be asked – What have you done? Why cannot we see any improvement,” Gavaskar said on Star Sports.
“You can show that the deliveries were so good that our batters could not play them properly. That is fine. It is fine if the bowler is that good and the deliveries are that good. Even great batters struggle against good deliveries. But, if that is not the case, you need to show what have you done in this situation.”
“I get asked about certain players should play in the future. We need to ask if this coaching staff should continue in the future. We have 2-3 months before the series against England. I am not even talking about Champions Trophy. I am talking about playing the five-match Test series in England.”
“I will ask – What have you done? How can you improve the players? Throw-downs will achieve nothing. You need to work on their technique as well as their temperament,” Gavaskar added.