Devajit Saikia and Prabhtej Singh Bhatia were on Sunday elected secretary and treasurer, respectively, unopposed at the BCCI Special General Meeting in Mumbai. They both were elected unopposed after being the only ones to file nomination for the posts vacated by Jay Shah and Ashish Shelar. Shah had to leave the secretary’s post after becoming the ICC chairman last month while Shelar resigned after taking oath as a cabinet minister in the Maharashtra government. Saikia hails from Assam and Bhatia from Chhattisgarh. Saikia was performing the additional duties of secretary after Shah took over as ICC chairman on December 1.
He was the joint secretary and now that post lies vacant.
“The Two (02) Elective Posts of the Office Bearers – Secretary and Treasurer were Uncontested, and it was not necessary to conduct a Poll in respect of these Two (02) Posts,” stated electoral officer A K Joti in his declaration of results.
Shah, who was felicitated by the BCCI on Saturday night, was also feted at the SGM.
(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)