Yograj Singh, the father of former Indian cricketer Yuvraj Singh, often finds a way to make headlines with his explosive comments. Having belittled the legendary MS Dhoni for years, Yograj targeted India’s 1983 World Cup-winning captain Kapil Dev. Born in 1958, Yograj earned his only Test cap in 1981 and made his ODI debut in 1980. After just 6 ODIs in his career, the last of which came in 1981, Yograj’s stint as an Indian cricketer ended. But, he has had plenty of sharp opinions to share on Indian cricket and its players since retirement. In a video that has surfaced on social media, Yograj used some insulting remarks about Kapil Dev, leaving many cricket lovers on the internet fuming.
“The greatest captain of our time, Kapil Dev… I told him, I’ll leave you in a position where the world would spit on you. Today, Yuvraj Singh has 13 trophies, and you have only one, the World Cup. End of discussion,” Yograj said.
Yograj Singh on KAPIL DEV –
“The greatest captain of our time, Kapil Dev… I told him, I’ll leave you in a position where the world would curse you. Today, Yuvraj Singh has 13 trophies, and you have only one, the World Cup. End of discussion”.pic.twitter.com/vuk194IneL
— Sports with naveen (@sportswnaveen) September 2, 2024
It isn’t just Kapil that Yograj targeted but also Dhoni. Bringing up the age-old topic of Dhoni not doing justice to his son Yuvraj, Yograj said that he will never forget the former India captain.
“I won’t forgive MS Dhoni. He should look at his face in the mirror. He is a very big cricketer, but what he has done against my son, everything is coming out now; it can never be forgiven in life. I have never done two things in life. First, I have never forgiven anybody who has done wrong for me, and second, I have never hugged them in my life, be it my family members or my kids,” Yograj said.
Both Yuvraj and Dhoni are two of the most decorated Indian cricketers, playing crucial roles to the team’s success in ICC events from 2007 to 2013. However, Yuvraj’s final years in Indian cricket weren’t as rewarding as Dhoni’s.